株式会社 集客創造研究所
Marketing Design Instetiute CO.,LTD.
Recreational Facilities
China, Rushan
Investigation for the resort development (2010)
Korea, Busan
Investigation for the resort development (2010)
Sightseeing city
in the Chugoku region
Marketing research, Strategy development (2004 - 2005)
Sightseeing area
in Amoy city, China
Marketing research, Investigation (2005)
Special viewer
Support for the patent (2002)
New ferris wheel
Implementation plan for the business model (2001)
Hiraodai Countryside Park
Implementation plan for the management operation (2000)
Implementation plan for the customer collecting prediction (2000)
Minamihida Kokusai Kenko
Hoyuchi Yakusoen
Shimizu Park
Development plan for renovation in the campsite (2013)
Marketing support for the public relations (2011)
Investigation for the night illuminations (2010)
Planning support for the redevelopment service (2009)
Implementation plan for the renovation operating (2007)
Implementation basic plan for the renovation operating (2006)

Motorsports event planning
Planning support (2009)

Mazda Stadium
Investigation for the rebuilding (2005)
Laguna Gamagori
Implementation plan for the management operation (2000 - 2001)

Fuji International
Planning support for the 5th anniversary from renovation (2009)
Reinvigoration plan (2006 - 2007)

Entertainment Land
in Beijing, China
Investigation plan (2006 - 2007)