株式会社 集客創造研究所
Marketing Design Instetiute CO.,LTD.
Commercial/Composite Facilities
Supporting expert
committee for the
Susuno town planning
Support for the METI town planning (2009)
Osaka Knowledge Capital
Produce for the management operation (2012 - 2013)

Produce for the management operation (2012)

Shonan C-X
Urban Life Support Plaza
Implementation plan (2011)
Support for the basic plan (2009)

Haneda Airport Terminal 2
Implementation plan for extending the food court (2009)

Koshigaya LakeTown
Implementation plan for the recreational facility operation (2007 - 2008)

The vacant lot for the Kokueikan in Okinawa
Marketing research for the commercial facility plan, Implementation plan (2007 - 2008)
Automobile sales marketer
Planning for the business region’s investigative report (2000 - 2004)
Large automobile dealer
Investigation for the location (2003)
Yanaizu Project in Gihu
Material creating for the implementation plan (2000)
Nikkei Inc.
Implementation plan for the Media-Gallery operation in new building (2007)